Engineering The Optimal Work-Life Balance, with Travis Ference

YOUR FINEST HOUR | Grammy-nominated recording engineer, mixer and producer Travis Ference, who has collaborated with Ariana Grande, John Mayer, Imagine Dragons and more, details the turning point that occurred once he stepped out of his comfort zone and decided to work with executive coaches David Gerber and Joseph Thompson. Travis articulates how he was able to push himself further with a coach alongside him in the journey and discover that he could, indeed, master that coveted, healthy work-life balance--both succeeding in his career and focusing on his family. "If you're considering coaching then you probably need it," he says.
YOUR FINEST HOUR | Grammy-nominated recording engineer, mixer and producer Travis Ference, who has collaborated with Ariana Grande, John Mayer, Imagine Dragons and more, details the turning point that occurred once he stepped out of his comfort zone and decided to work with executive coaches David Gerber and Joseph Thompson. Travis articulates how he was able to push himself further with a coach alongside him in the journey and discover that he could, indeed, master that coveted, healthy work-life balance--both succeeding in his career and focusing on his family. "If you're considering coaching then you probably need it," he says.

Learn more about Travis: | IG @tference

• Progressions: Success in the Music Indus
try - Travis' podcast
• Alone: Lost Overboard in the India
n Ocean by Brett Archibald
• 10% Ha
ppier by Dan Harris

Novus Global is a tribe of elite executive coaches who work with Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Athletes, World Renowned Artists and Business Leaders to create lives, teams and companies that go beyond high-performance.

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This podcast is produced by Rainbow Creative with Matthew Jones as Senior Producer and Jeremy Davidson as Editor and Audio engineer. Find out more about how to create a podcast for you or your business at
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